Four Spa Skin Care Treatments For Clearer, Smoother Skin
Spa treatments give you results that you can't get at home. If you want your skin to look its radiant best, you should take advantage of the services your local spa can offer. Here are four skin care treatments that can leave your skin softer, smoother, and more even:
1. Facial Massage
Facial massage is a soothing and relaxing treatment that can improve the circulation in your skin. During this treatment, your esthetician will gently massage all the different areas of your face. This can help to ease headaches and release tension. Effective topical treatments are sometimes combined with facial massage. Your esthetician may use a moisturizer or a nutritious oil to lubricate your skin for the massage. These lotions can provide additional hydration to parched skin.
2. Steam Facials
Steam facials use heated water vapor to open your pores. You will hold your face over steam that will be warm, but not hot enough to feel uncomfortable. Once the steam has adequately opened your pores, your esthetician may apply a cleansing mask to clean out any dirt, bacteria, or impurities that may be lurking in your pores. Steam facials can be combined with aromatherapy, if you so desire. Essential oils can be added to the water beforehand so the steam will be fragrant.
3. Manual Extractions
If you have specific areas of concern, you may desire a manual extraction. Individual pimples and blackheads can be removed using a special metal tool. Your esthetician will thoroughly sterilize this tool beforehand, so you won't suffer any adverse reactions due to bacteria. They will lance pimples and remove blackheads in a careful manner that won't cause scars to form. If you wish to have a pimple extracted, you should always have it removed at a spa. Trying to extract pimples yourself may lead to scarring or infection, since you don't have the proper training.
4. Chemical Peels
Exfoliation is an important part of your routine skincare. However, the exfoliation you can perform on yourself at home only affects the surface layer of your skin. While this has its benefits, it cannot remove fine lines or deeper wrinkles. Chemical peels offer deep exfoliation that can remove some of the signs of aging. During this process, a professional will apply a solution with a low pH to your face. They'll leave it on for an appropriate amount of time before carefully neutralizing and removing it. You will experience some peeling following a chemical peel, but the results are long-lasting and dramatic.
To learn more about skin care treatments, contact a company like Dermaluxe Spa.